OHA Chapters

The Old Haleians' Association have established 'chapters' throughout Australia and overseas to help organise regular dinners and luncheons for local Old Haleians and to act as points of contact for fellow Old Haleians travelling or moving to their location.

If you would like to see a similar group in your area, please let us know.

To date we have chapters in


Grant Holman (1983-94)grant.holman@wge.com.auM: 0409 883 285
Matthew Crewe (1989-93) mattcrewe9@gmail.comM: 0412 317 746
Campbell Bairstow (1967-71)cbairstow54@gmail.comM: 0407 059 502
Michael Park (1982-87)mrpark@bigpond.net.au M: 0419 049 811
Facebook GroupVic Chapter 


Anand Menon (1985-96)menonapk@gmail.comM: 0438 007 062
Richard Adams - past staff memberrjpadams@gmail.comM: 0407 059 502


James Haskis (2012-17)haskij@outlook.comM: 0403 090 668
Aaron Bloch (2015-18)aaronbloch2000@gmail.comM: 0428 016 333
Sam McDonagh (1983-88)Sam.mcdonagh@gmail.com   M: 0458 291 007


Roly Longmire (1990-94)rhlongmire@hotmail.com M: 0438 863 983

New York

Connor Delves (2008-13)connordelves@connordelves.com 


Terry Barr (1962-66) terry.barr@samsonoilandgas.com.auM: +1 9703895047


Chris Kuhn (1998-04)Kuhnchristopher@gmail.comM: +65 98282351
LinkedIn GroupOHA - Singapore Group 
Facebook GroupOHA Singapore Group 


Matt Reed (1988-92)reedm75@googlemail.com 
Anthony Lilleyman (1981-86)anthony.lilleyman@yahoo.com 
Niraj Tailor (2001-05)ntailor100@gmail.com 
LinkedIn GroupOHA - UK Group