Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 29 June at 8am in Memorial Hall.

The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Old Haleians' Association will be held on Monday 29 June 2020 at 8.00am.
The venue will be Memorial Hall at Hale School, Hale Road Wembley Downs.

The meeting agenda will be as follows:
  1. Reading of Minutes 
  2. Confirmation of Minutes 
  3. Business Arising Out of Minutes 
  4. Report of Treasurer 
  5. Report of President 
  6. Election of Office Bearers 
  7. Appointment of Auditor 
  8. Appointment of Hale School Endowment Fund Association (Inc) representative 
  9. Notice of Motion – see details here
  10. General Business
Given the restriction on the number of people at gatherings in WA is limited to up to 100, we request if you plan on attending the meeting, to please RSVP via the link below.

Please contact Alumni Manager, Helen Plange on 08 9347 0169 or via email if you have any questions.
Click here to RSVP
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