Darlot, Drinks and an iFly Indoor Skydiving Voucher
A tent was set up on the North-Western corner of Craig Oval, providing a base to watch Hale take on Wesley in the first Darlot game of 2018. About 25 YHs watched on as Hale struggled through the first innings. Many would be surprised to learn that the following day, they went on to win outright making it a great start to the summer season.
At 6pm the group moved to the Hale Hockey Pavilion where a barbeque and drinks was put on by the Young Haleians (with thanks to the OHA).
Ben Kalajzic won the door prize taking home an iFly Indoor Skydiving Voucher – just for coming along!
Following positive feedback from those who attended, the YH Committee will be looking to arrange more events like these throughout the year. Events will seek to provide a casual setting for old school mates to catch-up and learn from each other.Have an idea for the next Young Haleians’ event? Get in touch