Harry Garland (2007-09) was recently recognized for his hard work, dedication and leadership, winning the prestigious 2019 West Australian Youth Award.
Every year since, Harrison has continued to promote #SwimforProudie. He now has more than 120 people involved in the swim and raised just short of $160,000 for Warrick.
Harrison was recently recognized for his hard work, dedication and leadership, winning the prestigious 2019 West Australian Youth Award. The award recognises and celebrates excellence in leadership, positively impacting the lives of Western Australians. Humble in his response Harrison said “it’s such an honour to receive this award, but I accepted it on behalf of everyone who has contributed to the “Swim For Proudie” over the past 5 years. It has been a real team and community effort”
If you would like to join the team or sponsor next year’s “Swim For Proudie” get in touch with Harrison via harrisong@wce.com.au.