One of the main objectives of the Old Haleians’ Association is to foster interaction amongst Old Boys.

There are many Old Haleians within the community who, from time to time - need help in one way or another and for that reason the Association has established the ‘Lending a Hand’ program which is designed to coordinate the giving of assistance by Old Boys to their fellow alumni who are in need.

You may simply need a hand within the home or garden, you may like visits from fellow Old Haleians, help with transport to appointments or for shopping or you might require professional assistance of one sort or another. There are many Old Haleians within the wider community who may be able to help make life easier for you.

The scheme is targeted at those Old Boys who are in genuine need of assistance: who are unable to afford the usual costs of the assistance they need or who simply can’t or don’t know where to find it.

In order to be eligible for assistance, an applicant must demonstrate that:
  • the request is an ‘acceptable' request type.
  • The applicant (or the Old Boy on whose behalf the request is made) is unable to afford the usual costs of the assistance in full.
  • The applicant (or the Old Boy on whose behalf the request is made) is in genuine need; and
  • other appropriate avenues for assistance which are reasonably available have been exhausted.