Copies of each of the Cygnet magazines dating back to 1905 are now available digitally and can be viewed here.

Only the most recent edition of the Haleian will be available for now as it is currently mailed to all Old Haleians we have contact details for. If you are not receiving yours, then it probably means we do not have up to date contact details for you. Please ‘Get in Touch’ and let us know where you are or update your contact details.
SLATE TO CYBERSPACE: Hale School - 150 Years
To commemorate the school’s 150th anniversary, former Archivist/Curator, Dr Bill Edgar, has written a fascinating account of the statesmen, explorers, entrepreneurs, movers and shakers whose education at the School has provided the leadership for Western Australia’s modern development and prosperity. Listed in the back of the book are the names of every student who attended Hale School during those 150 years. This book is available for sale at $55 in the OHA shop.


Snapshots is a book of images reflecting some of the heritage and character of Hale School. It was a project undertaken by Old Haleians Roger Gray (1958-64) and David Aitken (1969-73) to celebrate the sesquicentenary of Hale School in 2008. It is also available for purchase in the OHA Shop at $35 per copy.