Hale School Moves to Online Learning

Hale School Moves to Online Learning

Hale School has announced that it will proactively transition its students towards online learning.

Hale School has announced that it will proactively transition its students towards online learning.
This decision reflects the changing landscape surrounding COVID-19, the expectations of parents, Hale’s extra responsibilities as one of the largest boarding schools in the State, and its readiness for this important change in education delivery.
Over the last week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has recognised that boarding schools are “at high risk of transmission” and should “consider the risks versus the benefits of a student remaining in boarding school.” Mr Morrison also acknowledged that many independent and Catholic schools will choose to move to remote education.
Hale School will implement a rolling approach toward online learning from home, starting with Pre-Primary to Year 9 from Thursday 26 March, then Years 10 to 11 from Friday 27 March, and finally Year 12 from Monday 30 March. Essentially, teaching, learning and pastoral care will continue for all Hale School students from Pre-Primary to Year 12 in a different format.
Hale School will commence the transition toward online learning this week, scaling up to full delivery next week. There will also be the opportunity for students to still attend school, to support those parents and carers who are delivering essential services.  
Headmaster Dean Dell’Oro said staff had been engaged in detailed planning and the School was well prepared to provide ongoing teaching and learning to its students. He praised the boys at Hale, their parents and the staff for their unwavering support of the School’s response to this evolving situation.

“As we have done for over 160 years, Hale School will continue to provide high standards of teaching and pastoral care for your son,” Mr Dell’Oro wrote in a message to parents this morning. “Please feel reassured that we will work tirelessly to keep our community well informed and connected as we face this changing landscape together.”

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